Help us to protect the unique nature of the Chesham Bois Conservation area
This website is designed to inform you about the
St Leonard's large scale development and what you can do
This website is designed to inform you about the
St Leonard's large scale development and what you can do
This has unfortunately resulted in the public Hearing no longer going ahead. A link to Bucks Council's letter and reasons not to defend is below.
We have consequently done the following:
• The Protect Planning Consultant has submitted a robust response, registering our disappointment at the decision to no longer have the Hearing, reiterating our objections and concerns about the decision making process. A link to this letter is below.
• We are now pressing for the Inspectorate to make a visit to the site to see and understand the impact the development would have on the adjacent property, the Common and the surrounding area.
• Throughout this process we have been closely liaising with Chesham Bois Parish Council. Their response will shortly be posted on their website:
To engage the Planning Consultant to represent us, we are budgeting between £4,000-£4,500 plus VAT and disbursements. We would therefore welcome your contributions once again (and hopefully finally) towards the cost. As per last time, we suggest £100 per household as a guide for donations. If you want to donate more, or less, that would also be welcome!
As residents of Amersham & Chesham Bois, we highly value and want to protect the unique nature of the Common, the woodland and the buildings that make the heart of Chesham Bois village and surrounding area enjoyable for everyone.
Protect has been working together with the community since 2018 to create awareness of the St Leonard's Church development, provide information & facts, and give guidance on how to object.
The ethos of the Chesham Bois Conservation Area states that as an area of special character and merit it is worthy of preservation or enhancement
We support and are working together with the Chesham Bois Parish Council (CBPC) to protect our unique environment. We will be present on our stand at the Chesham Bois Village Fete on Saturday June 15th from 11.30am - 04.00pm so look out for us and come and have a chat.
The site is off Glebe Way, on the NE corner of the Common. The existing Village Hall and Rectory will be demolished.
The proposed development includes a 275 people ‘Main Hall’ (previously referred to as ‘Worship Hall’), a separate multi-purpose hall with capacity for another 100 people, offices & meeting rooms, a church led café, a separate building for a nursery, a new rectory, a prayer garden with fire pit, and parking for 120+ vehicles.
This means there could be 400 people on site if all the buildings are used at the same time with 120 plus cars arriving and leaving at the same time.
St Leonard’s started the planning process. They held one consultation meeting which was a presentation, not a forum for listening and consultation. Although they claim to have ‘listened’ to the local community, they have not engaged since, have ignored the points laid out for refusal from Bucks Council, and have never been prepared to compromise the size of the development.
Over 400 objections from the local community were submitted for the first planning application, which Bucks Council unanimously refused
The appeal to the Planning Inspectorate was refused
Chesham Bois Parish Council wrote to every household to establish local opinion. 80% of responses were opposed to the development
St Leonard’s published a sermon with a damming and inflammatory condemnation of the local community for objecting to the development
The second planning application (with minimal change) was refused
Go to the Chiltern & South Bucks Planning website for detailed information and documentation relating to the most recent planning application.
Enter Planning application reference number : PL/22/4074/FA
This development is 5 x the size of the existing buildings. It will need to be rented out on a commercial basis to recoup the huge investment, which will result in intensification of use
St Leonard’s church attendance is significantly in decline. According to their 2023 annual report they lost a third of their congregation last year. 40% of their application supporters come from outside the area. St Leonard’s intention is to grow numbers from outside the parish and to use the development as a conference centre for the Jesus Ministry. There are already 8 churches in Amersham and 3 new community buildings: Lifestyle Centre, Jubilee Hall, Band Hall.
The site is located in the heart of the Conservation Area, it undermines the distinct character of the area, promotes the spread of urbanisation, and does not preserve or enhance the Conservation Area.
The area is home to protected species including badgers, bats, great crested newt. The ecology report raised concerns over a significant increase in visitors to this site creating the potential to damage the adjacent Common and sensitive Priority Habitat through extra footfall, noise and disturbance to flora and fauna
Large scale events potentially 7 days a week will have a significant negative impact on the surrounding area
This is part of the Common and owned by Chesham Bois Parish Council who do not intend to sell the land for a development of this scale and intensity. .
This would result in increased urbanisation and loss of the distinctive semi-rural character, which we all value highly.
We understand the need to refurbish/replace the existing Parish Centre, but not on the huge scale desired by St Leonard's church
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